We wish to advise that effective Monday, 22nd May 2023 the Department has rolled out the new Planning and Development Board decision module to the public. These decisions will now be generated and issued from within the Department’s ePlanning system.
The new decision module is but one of the ongoing additions to the Department’s electronic file management system as the Department transitions its operations under the Planning and Development Act, 2019. This deployment would make the issuing of the Board’s decisions more efficient.
We wish to advise also that the module for decisions issued by the Director of Planning and Development under the delegated authority from the Board has been amended in line with the Board template and now includes additional information covering the limitations of the permission, further approvals required under other legislation, a disclaimer and the right to challenge the decision.
Should you have any queries about the decision module please contact us at 535-3000 or via e-mail at contact@planning.gov.bb using “Decision Template” in the subject line.